“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”
― Ludwig Wittgenstein

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A note from Jivenson

March 4th 2013 at about 8:30, time to start the third session in biomed class. So I had to move from Port-au –prince to Pignon Sunday 3rd, the previous day. When we arrived there, in the same day, we could see Mrs. Ruthanne our new teacher, accompanied with a staff of white people even if we didn’t know her before we could notice that.
Monday when we got in class, Mr. Billy introduced her to the class we saw that the person that we saw the previous day was really Mrs. Ruthanne Robenson, our teacher. 
At the very beginning, we could see how very meticulous she is because of the way she set the schedule for each day and the two week sessions. So she has a wonderful methodology; for that, congratulation.
Everybody really appreciate her teaching. With Mr.Evenel we could have the handout printed out into sets for the two week session, in this case, while she displays a slide show on the projector, we had the handout in hand during the course. Every morning before starting new material, we made a review over everything covered in the previous day and a quiz every other day to see what to take over before going on covering new materials.
Since, the third session was focused on lab equipments; we could get access to everything used in the lab of L’hopitale bienfaisance de Pignon, see them, and touch them. Some were brought in class to us to repair. We took them apart, learnt the common problem they could have, how to repair them; we had a solid theory and also made practice. We saw a lot of lab equipment like: microscope, cell-counter, centrifuge, spectrophotometer, pipette etc and identified all the components.
We visited the lab many times and ask the lab technician questions, we saw how to run a quality control (QC). We saw how microscope magnifies the invisible things in a sample that can’t be seen by unaided eye.
At least that’s just a summery of what we have learnt in the third session without detail.

Hence, here is the big support of rotary to the Haitian people; it is a support without precedent and no one can top that.
Thank over so much rotary.
Jivenson JOSEPH

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Questions answered about the Future Leaders of Haiti

To answer some questions that have been presented to me about the Future Leaders of Haiti.

Most but not all of the Future Leaders of Haiti are students that I met while teaching English classes with (TWOL) Teach the World Online.  Some of the students are advanced students, some are still intermediate level students. When TWOL's focus changed to teaching young students, I continued teaching classes with "my" older students.  In my heart, I feel it's important for the older students to learn English because they are the ones who will be able to market their English skills, find a job, help support their family and eventually make a life for themselves with marketable skills.

All of the Future Leaders of Haiti are continuing to advance their English skills. All of the Future Leaders of Haiti have set out on a course to improve their lives and give back to Haiti.  Some students are taking college level classes via the internet, some students are teaching English in Haiti schools, some are attending Haitian Universities and some are learning the skill of Bio-Medical Technology.  

I've made it my mission to be a mentor to the Future Leaders of Haiti.  However, I do not choose their paths, it is for them to choose their course in life.  My job is to guide and support whatever they choose.  Note: I do not do it by myself.  There are financial supporters that have joined with me to help provide for the needs of the students as they are marching towards their goals.  As the trustee of the financial assistance I make financial decisions based on the individual student's needs, abilities and actions.  I take into account the individuals actions to provide for themselves.  Each individual must show they are ACTIVELY doing something to reach the goal.  

We are extremely proud of all of the Future Leaders of Haiti.  Eventually this group will become a national group covering all of Haiti.  As a group they will have the power to change the course of history.  If you would like to join with me and the other supporters either publicly or anonymous please contact me and I will give you the specifics of becoming a benefactor. 

Until that day, I hope you are all well and doing the things that make you happy.


Report from Elie Francois in the field

As all of the previous sessions the third session was not different.  All the sessions are based on learning all kinds bio-medical equipment.  Therefore for the last session we studied specifically lab equipment, such as all materials and devices that can be found in a laboratory.  For example pipette, cell counter, centrifuge, balance, microscope, ph meter, photometer, chemistry analyzer, refrigerator and freezer.  In a short amount of time we have received skills and capacity for troubleshooting all of the above devices.  Learning bio-medical equipment repair mit's is fun and full of enjoyment moments, because all together we shared all kinds of experiences either our every days life or problems that we have in working on bio-medical equipment.  It's sure we have already learned a lot of bio-medical equipment during those 3 last sessions, therefore the only thing we expect now it's find a way to reach our capacity.  We found out in Haiti it's rare or near impossible to find technicians to work on bio-medical equipment. It's for that reason we consider seriously our learning and training on bio-medical equipment repair. Working on bio-medical equipment is not only for study but also to troubleshooting and research on our own. The Rotary Club understands that and for that reason they provided us one laptop per clinic or hospital that is very helpful and we thank them a lot. We are proud especially because we were accepted and are allowed to attended the bio-medical equipment class.  I thank from the bottom of my heart Mrs. Vicki Kessel, my funders and the rotary club.
          Thank so much....
Elie Francois

Tuesday, April 9, 2013