“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”
― Ludwig Wittgenstein

Monday, November 19, 2012

International Relations

Among the Future Leaders of Haiti we have Ernest.  Ernest has a degree in International Relations. If you are looking for a man who is ready to provide services to your company in international relations.  Call Ernest.

                     Adresse : # 12, Delmas 31
                             Rue Maguana
               Tel. 3-8243427/ 3-6585166
          E-mail : ernestgedeus@yahoo.fr
GEDEUS Ernest diplômé en Diplomatie et Relations Internationales
•Célibataire, Né  à l’Anse -à- Foleur le 26 janv. 1983
Adresse : #12, Delmas 31, rue Maguana
Nif          : 009-977-802-0
Tel          : 3824-3427/36585166
•Souhaite travailler dans un environnement dynamique qui offre des possibilités d’avancement en fonction des performances
Etudes Universitaires
Université Américaine Des Sciences Modernes d’Haïti (UNASMOH) 2007-2011
Option : Diplomatie et Relations Internationales
Etudes Secondaires
Lycée Tertullien Guilbaud de Port-de-Paix    1998-2005
6eme à la philo
Etudes Primaires
Ecole  Cacique Henri d’Anse à Foleur               1989-1998
Maternelle au CEP
Bacc I & II(MENJS)
Certificate of completion en langue anglaise de TWOL (Teach the World on Line)
Mentor : MrsVicki Kessel
Diplôme en diplomatie et Relations Internationales
•Logiciels de base : Word, Excel
Créole                              Très bien
Français                           Très bien
Anglais                            Bien
Espagnol                          Bien
•Sens de responsabilité
•Esprit d’initiative
•Habilite de travailler en équipe
•Désir d’apprendre
•Capable de travailler sous pression
•Capacité d’entretenir de bonnes relations avec un grand nombre de personnes
•Une excellente capacité de jugement

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tony - Future Leader of Haiti

Meet Tony Saint Hubert he's a Future Leader of Haiti.  He spends his time teaching children English and other skills that make little children (and their parents) happy.  Tony is an excellent communicator and it is no surprise he would want to use his abilities to share with the children.  In Haiti 36% of the population is under 15 years old.  Tony is making a difference! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Private Student Loan "Pay it Forward"

I have a student that only has one more year to complete his degree in accounting.  He is struggling to pay the $500 it takes to finish this year.  Will someone put money in the "Pay it Forward" student loan plan to help make sure he gets to finish this year?  If you want a contract with him, he will sign a contract with you for repayment. Be a part of the first private student loan program in Haiti!   

Friday, November 2, 2012

"Pay it Forward" is launched!

The "Pay it Forward" plan has begun. My students have received money to pay travel expense to go to the Bio-Medical class. When they finally get a paying job they will "Pay it Forward" to the next students. I believe it's the first student loans in Haiti, sponsored by a few generous people. If you would like to be a part of the VERY FIRST "Pay it Forward" plan, please let me know. We could really use your help. Going to school in Haiti is a challenge all its own. Paying for it is an impossible task without people like you who are willing to give them a hand up. They are committed, will you commit to add to the "Pay it Forward" plan?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Report from the Classroom

October 17, 2012 Report From the Classroom
Written by Elie Francois
Future Leader of Haiti and Bio-Medical Technician in training.

After a whole school year out of school I still didn't know what the next step was going to be in my life.  I didn't know what I was going to study or what was the plan God had for me, but I still stayed certain something would be revealed.  At last, the door was opened for me and I was chosen among those who received the chance to study to be a Bio-Medical Technician Repairman.  I was chosen to be one among 23 other students.  I must believe it was not random, I must have deserved it and it was in God’s plan for me.  For this reason, at all times in my life I try to prove I am worthy.  I decided to leave home and go to a place that I didn't know before the day I qualified to able to exercise the profession of Bio-Medical Technician.  Upon arriving in the "Hospital Bienfaisance de Pignon" I started thinking about all those hours of riding in the tap tap and all of the risks that could have been on the road.  Thanks to God nothing happened to me.  During those two weeks we all were from to different regions of Haiti.  We didn't know each other but at last we became very friendly.  We were so excited to study all those devices: sphygmomanometers, sterilizers and suction pumps.  When the weeks were completed, we didn't really want to go back home because it was so interesting to learn new things to help the people in the hospitals and fun all at the same time.  In fact that experience is one of the best times and the best decision in my life to study to be a Bio-Medical Technician Repairman.  All of that will not have been possible without our dear mom Vicki Kessel, the Rotary club, the teachers, the hospital and someone special who helps us pay to go all the way to Pignon.  Thank you to all who believed in me, I am looking forward to continuing my education and preparing to help the hospitals and my country of Haiti. Thanks a lot.  I will write more after the next class. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The week of learning about bio-medical equipment begins by learning about blood pressure meters.  To be able to fix a piece of equipment one must know how it works.  Mackenzy, Elie, Jhonny and Jivenson are pleased to become professional sphygmomanometer technicians.  They reported yesterday that they took a test and successfully passed with flying colors!  Of course I had no doubt they would.  The improvement of the world begins with the empowerment of the individuals!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Future Bio-medical equipment technicians

I would like to announce the acceptance of four the future leaders of Haiti into the Rotary Bio-medical equipment technician program.  The students each received a full scholarship for a two year program where they will learn how to install and repair medical equipment.  The Rotary Tech program has also committed to accepting more of my students in 2013 when the next class begins.  I would like to congratulate Elie Francois, Mackenzy Désir, Jivenson Joseph and Jhonny Lindor for their commitment to furthering their education, learning English and helping their country.  If you would like to help pay for their transportation by bus to the city about 60 miles from where they live, (not included in the scholarship) please let me know.  I am one proud mom and teacher!




Sunday, May 27, 2012

Translation Example - English to French and Creole

For a quote to translate your text please send an email to FutureleadersofHaiti@gmail.com


Use the following strategies for a partnership that starts strong and stays strong.
1 - Start by creating a shared Vision & Mission
As in any business, it's critical for the partners to define the Vision and Mission of the venture as the very first step. If all brains aren't going in the same direction in the same way, problems are bound to arise. The motives for each partner can be different. The overall objectives and methods, however, need to be the same. Tom chose to partner with Dominic because each saw the market need for a commercial kitchen facility. Tom was a commercial contractor who had worked on restaurants and catering facilities. Dominic was Manager of a cooking school and well connected within the food preparation industry. Their agreed upon Vision was a 2,000 sq. ft. facility that would have 3 shifts of production, serve as a test kitchen for the cooking school and contract with other long term and project clients.
Tip: Take time to discuss your company's Vision and Mission with your partners. Look for what energizes and motivates each of you about your business. Give it a purpose and define what the ideal business will look like. Put the joint Vision and Mission in writing and use it as the reference for everything else you do.
2 - Make sure each partner's needs and expectations are addressed
Each person in the partnership has his own reasons for being in the partnership. Sometimes people seek a partner for capital, sometimes for expertise, sometimes for connections. These are not always expressed, yet they remain as an underlying expectation. If the expectation isn't met, the relationship can become strained.
Because each person's expertise, motivation and personality are different, it's important to have this discussion before anything is committed contractually.
Because individual needs and expectations may change over time, a clear dissolution or modification plan needs to be in writing also,
Gabe and Rosa had a wholesale distributorship that was limping along. Then Gabe became ill and couldn't work for several months. In the interim Rosa had to carry the entire business alone. While she was able to do so, when Gabe came back he didn't have the energy or motivation to pick up his role again. Rosa wasn't prepared to carry it alone long term. Until they sat down together to discuss expectations, each was feeling let down and soon the bad feelings took over.
Tip: Find out what your partner expects from you in the partnership. Share your expectations as well. Have a plan for when personal or business circumstances or interests change so, when needed, expectations can be re-addressed.

 Utilisez les stratégies suivantes pour un partenariat qui débute fort et qui demeure fort.
1. Commencez en élaborant sur une vision et une mission partagée
Comme dans toute entreprise il est très important que les partenaires élaborent la Vision et la Mission de l’entreprise comme la première étape.
Si toutes les compétences ne sont pas réunies en un seul faisceau, il y aura toujours des oppositions.
Chacun peut avoir son propre motif mais les objectifs et les manières de faire doivent être les même .Tom a décidé d’être partenaire avec Dominic parce que chacun voyait que le marche a besoin d’une installation de cuisine commerciale.
Tom est un entrepreneur commercial qui avait travaillé dans le domaine des restaurants et des installations d’approvisionnement.
Dominic est administrateur d’une école de cuisine et a de grands contacts dans l’industrie de la préparation des nourritures.
Leur vision commune était une installation qui aurait apporté 3 changements de production, servirait a tester les poulets pour l’école de cuisine et qui accepterait des contrats a long terme.*

 Conseil: prenez le temps pour discuter la vision et la mission de votre compagnie avec vos partenaires. Chercher à trouver ce qui motive et encourage chacun d’entre vous dans son rôle. Etablissez un objectif et définissez ce a quoi l’affaire idéale ressemblerait. Mettez a la vue de tous la vision et mission communes  et utilisez les comme la référence de n’importe quelle initiative de l’entreprise.
2. Assurez-vous que vos partenaires expriment leurs besoins et leurs attentes.
Chaque personne dans l’entreprenariat a ses propres raisons d’y être.
 Des fois des gens recherchent un partenaire de capitaux, d’expertise, des fois un partenaire de contact. Ces attentes ne sont généralement pas exprimées, pourtant elles demeurent enfoulées. Si les attentes ne sont pas comblées la relation entre les concernée deviendra tendue.
 A cause que l’expertise, la motivation et la personnalité de chaque personne sont différente, il est important d’avoir cette discussion avant que quelque chose de contractuelle se produise.
 Parce que les besoins et les attentes des gens peuvent changer avec le temps, une fin soigneuse ou une stratégie de modification doit être en rédaction aussi.
 Gabe et Rosa avaient un point de vente en gros qui tramait à la faillite. Ensuite Gabe était tombe malade et ne pouvait pas travailler pendant plusieurs mois. Entre temps Rosa avait sous sa responsabilité la boite entière. Bien qu’elle assurait de la sorte quand Gabe revient il n’avait pas retrouvé l’énergie ou l’encouragement de regagner sa place. Rosa n’était pas préparée à assumer cette responsabilité indéfiniment. Jusqu’a ce qu’ils s’asseillent ensemble et discutent à propos de leurs attentes, chacun se sentait déçu et les remords les envahisserent.

Conseil: découvrez ce que votre partenaire attend de vous dans votre alliance. Exprimez vos attentes également. Ayez un plan pour remédier aux irrégularités d’affaires et personnelles ou dans le cas ou les intérêts changeraient afin que, les exigences puissent être réitérer.


Itilize strateji sa yo pou ka fè yon tèt-ansanm kap bèl e ki ap rete bèl.

Pou komanse fè yon jan pou tout ekip la gen menm vizyon ak menm misyon.Sa enpotan anpil nan tout entripriz,se li ki pou premye etap la. Si tout fòs yo pa reyini yon sel kote ap toujou gen febles kap bay problem. Chak moun ka gen motif pal men fok gen yon sel objektif e tout ekip la dwe travay nan yon sel mannyè.
Tom te deside asosye l’ ak Dominic paske yo tou de te remake ke lari a te bezwen yon entalasyon kizin komesyal. Tom te yon antreprenè komesyal ki te travay nan domèn restoran ak sèvis aprovizyonman. Dominic se administratè nan yon lekòl kizin e li gen yon pakèt kontra nan domèn endistri kap prepare manje. Yo te gen vizyon pou mete yon seri ekipman ki tap pote 3 changeman nan domèn prodiksyon: li tap teste poul yo pou lekòl kizin nan,yo tap fè kontra ak kliyan yo.
Konsèy: pran tan pou diskite sou vizyon ak misyon konpani an ak tout asosye yo. Chèchè jwenn sa ki motive ak ankouraje chak grenn nan nou nan travay li. Mete yon objektif e montre a kisa sa nap chèchè a sanble. Mete devan je tout moun vizyon ak misyon komen an e itilizel kom baz tout sa antrepriz la vle fè.Centage.com *
Asirew ke tout asosyew yo di sa yo bezwen ak sa yap atann de antrepriz la. Paske chak asosye gen rezon pal ki fèl la.
Antreprenè chèchè asosye pou yo ka jwen swa lajan, entèlijans o swa kontak. Lepli souvan yo pa di sa yo atann yo vre, e poutan atant yo la. Si yo pa reponn a yo relasyon ant asosye yo ap ralanti.
A koz ke entèlijans,motivasyon ak pèsonalite chak moun diferan ; e li enpòtan pou pale sou sa bonè avan ke yon problem leve.
A koz ke bezwen ak atant asosye yo ka chanje nenpot ki lè, dwe gen yon plan ki detèmine kijan kontra yo ka fini oubyen ka modifye.
Gabe ak Rosa te gen yon boutik an gwo ki tap fè fayit. Gabe te vin malad e li pat ka al travay pandan kèk mwa. Antre tan Rosa te pran responsabilite jere boutik la. Menm si li tap byen jerel’ lè Gabe te retounen e ke li pat gen ase fòs e kel pat jwenn ankourajman pou li te repran plas li pou jere boutik la.men Rosa pat met nan tèt li kel tap gen poul jere boutik la pou tou tan. Yo te fon chita e yo te diskite sou atant yo chak e yo tou lè de te desi e yo te ranpli ak remò.
Konsèy : dekouvri kisa asosyew la ap atann de antant nou an. Montre asosye w la kisa wap atann de li tou. Mete sou pye yon plan pou rezoud problèm ki pesonèl, ki gen rapò ak biznis e ki pemet fè lòt egzijans si enterè yo ta chanje.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Additional leaders join those who are already making a change!

Some of the new graduating future leaders of Haiti.  Each student is actively involved in finding a task that helps to improve their country.  One student is now employed at the airport.  Other students are learning medical terms to become medical translators, some are selling books that are required for school but not available in the libraries, some are going on to University and others are working on business plans for a micro enterprise they hope to launch soon.  Stay tuned for more information.

A group of students attended a Christianville informational session to learn about growing tilapia and best business practices.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mr. Felix!  He's a flashy dresser~ He also is the highest scorer on the English test!  With an eight piece precision tool set he can fix almost anything that is broken. He's also somewhat of a mystery because you never know when he's going to surprise you with something fantastic.  Felix reads, speaks and writes French, Creole and of course English.  If you would like to contact him send an email to vickisvision@gmail.com
Marc currently works as a street vendor making pies that taste yummy! When you need some good food look him up, you'll find him around Delmas 31 and Rue Marien area. Marc is a take charge kind of man.  He's also got a way with grapefruit that makes the best juice you've ever tasted.  Marc speaks English and Creole.  You can reach him at vickisvision@gmail.com
Djimmy is the tallest Haitian guy I know.  He loves taking pictures and has a great eye for beauty.  If you need an English speaking guy to take pictures for you, call Djimmy.  When everyone else is standing in front of him he can still see all the action.  Djimmy speaks, reads and writes in English, French and Creole.  You can contact him at vickisvision@gmail.com

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ralph - A leader!

Ralph is one of my older students.  When you ask him how old is he just smiles.  Ralph loves learning English and shares his skill with other "young folks" that don't have the chance to come to class.  Ralph can speak, read and write French, Creole and English.  This young man is wise. He's been around the block a few times and shares his wisdom with all the younger men of our class.  If you need an older, responsible English speaker Ralph would be a good choice.  You can contact him at vickisvision@gmail.com

Josias - A future leader of Haiti

Meet Josias.  I am positive you can tell what he values in life. When the group needs spiritual leadership Josias is ready to give us an uplifting message.  He speaks, reads and writes French, Creole and English.  He is on of the most quiet speaking young men I know.  He has a calming effect on anyone he comes into contact with. If you need a great English speaking employee that will bring calm into your chaos pick him.  He can be contacted by email at vickisvision@gmail.com

Blaise - One of Haiti's future leaders


Blaise is the co-founder of Les Entreprises Badeau et Blaise.
You will find him an irresistible young man. He's always thinking of ways to help his country. When we first met, I was positive he would be a politician however, he assures me that I am not correct. We'll see! Blaise speaks, reads and writes French, Creole and English. He loves to have the last word and often you will find its "your words" that he's repeating back to you. He's fun and full of an invention a minute. If you would like to meet Blaise or put him to work he can be contacted at vickisvision@gmail.com

Saturday, April 14, 2012

This young man is Elie Francois a graduate from Lycee Toussaint Louberture.  Elie is one of the group leaders.  His responsibilities are group management and coordination.  Elie is also responsible for calculating and tracking expenses for the group.  Elie is fluent in Haitian Creole, French and English and is looking forward to putting his English speaking skills to work.  If you would like to know more about Elie or speak to him please contact him at vickisvision@gmail.com

Meet Jhonny Lindor.  He lives in the Delmas 33 area with his father.  He has completed national exams and is currently working as a volunteer teacher, teaching English.  He volunteers five days a week for no less than five hours a day.  His commitment to his fellow Haitians is unmatched.  Jhonny is fluent in Haitian Creole, French and English.  He is looking to put his English skills to work.  Without a doubt, Jhonny is on the spot! 

If you would like more information about Jhonny or would like to speak with him contact vickisvision@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Meet Dieuve

This is Dieuve.  He's 34.  It took him almost 10 years to finish high school because he couldn't pay.  But he didn't quit, he didn't give up.  Today Dieuve is an assistant English teacher at the JP Community building.  If you would like to send him a letter of congratulations email vickisvision@gmail.com

Yea.... that's Sean Penn

Friday, January 13, 2012

Check up on the leather craft

The leather craft seems to be going well.  So far the guys have made several money/credit card holders and the most recent report is that they've pooled their money and bought some more leather. If you would like to offer suggestions, help, leather supplies or buy their crafts send us an email at vickisvision@gmail.com

Every penny goes to help the guys pay for school.
Your support is greatly appreciated!