“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”
― Ludwig Wittgenstein

Thursday, May 30, 2013

An important meeting

Hello mom! how are you doing? So those are pictures I made during the meeting at Montana Hotel.
Then it was this Wednesday. We talk about some Important and interesting things. So that man you see with the Blue shirt is the Administrator of Advantist Hospital in Dikini. So he's accepted that we can come to make practice in his hospital.  Mrs. Vicki from Rotary is also with us and we thank her from our hearts. So we say thanks to God firstly, to you mom, our benefactors and the staff of Rotary Club in the name Jesus. So now we are waiting for the Administrator to call now. 

I Love you Mom! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A message from Jhonny

Today its a pleasure to talk about my Pignon class.
Pignon class is a very good class i really love this programe we all students are very proud of our teacher. One of the thing that I do not really like is only we do not make enough practice. For me biomed is the best thing to learn. We all are interesting about this programe the first time I went there I missed My family also my friends, now I'm sorry for them. I saw Pignon is different than my town. Pignon is a very cold country side. No matter what Mom, I am so proud to be a bioed tech and I'm so proud of my staff. We have respect for our prof, the first time i went there I caught (understood) the prof 45 percent because the English that I found there is different than my its a technician English. All my family is so proud of me cause I am a technician. Because I have you by my side I am a biomed technician. mom i don't have enough word to thank you as you know we are 4 students that you have. That I want you know we are gladiators we are fighting for our dreams. Especially me I do not want to do nothing wrong. I just want to rise your name up. Thank you so much Mom may God bless you and all who sent me money to take bus. Repairing medical equipment is not easy as a drink, also you may put them in the safe place. Sometimes I spend all the night to sturdy my lessons. Also doing my homework. Anyway mom, that's all. thank you for every thing .

Jhonny Lindor